IndieWeb NYC's meetup for January 2020 met at Think Coffee on Mercer St on January 25th around 2pm.
Here are some notes from the meeting!
dmitri.shuralyov.com — Made even more progress on integrating IndieAuth into his site! In addition to letting people log in to his site with GitHub profile URLs (github.com/username), he has finished changes to allow folks to log into his site with their own URLs via IndieAuth. Along the way he learned a lot about and contributed to the IndieAuth spec! He wrapped up and deployed it at this meetup!
martymcgui.re — Since last time, create a very minimal indieweb.nyc site for folks that want to track IndieWeb events in NYC. This was just a few week's ahead of Aaron Parecki's launch of events.indieweb.org. 😂 Marty plans to continue updating indieweb.nyc but now has the events there link to events.indieweb.org.
Other topics of discussion
Thanks to all who came out! We will see you all again in February! Keep an eye on indieweb.nyc for the exact date, time, and location! You can subscribe to the calendar to receive automatic updates (webcal link)!
Photo for today’s IndieWeb NYC Meetup!
Hey! Did you know I have a show coming up this Tuesday with Great Personalities LOL??
I do! Join us at 9pm at the PIT Underground! Tickets $10!