Marty McGuire

Posts Tagged 3dp

Fri Jan 28
🛠 Made a copy of Monochrome geometric Eggbot plot by dnewman.
Mon Dec 13

BHat (Baltimore Hackathon) Ring


105651 bytes. Updated
1129 bytes. Updated
4112 bytes. Updated
2394 bytes. Updated

This work is licensed Creative Commons - Attribution.


This is a parameterizable ring made in OpenSCAD with a “BHat” logo for the Baltimore Hack-A-Thon.

It was created as part of the Nickel for Scale project, which you can learn more about at


You’ll need both real_bhat_ring.scad and B.dxf to render a custom-sized ring.

To resize the ring without Nickel for Scale:

  1. Edit the inner_diam in OpenSCAD to match the diameter of your finger.
  2. Render to STL with OpenSCAD.
  3. Print!

To resize the ring with Nickel for Scale:

  1. Get Nickel for Scale from GitHub:
  2. Install Processing and all required libraries.
  3. Set up your webcam and configure the NickelForScale sketch with the right capture info.
  4. Run NickelForScale, choose the BHat ring (it’s built in), follow the instructions, and generate the ring.
  5. Your custom ring will be in the NickelForScale/data/ folder.

To change the letter:

I used Inkscape to generate the B. To use it with OpenSCAD, I saved a copy as Encapsulated Postscript (.eps), and chose the option to convert the text to a path. I then used pstoedit to convert the .eps to a .dxf, which is the format that OpenSCAD expects.

Sun Dec 12
🛠 Made a copy of Mustache Ring by amyhurst.
Fri Oct 29
🛠 Made a copy of Ghost Toy by tc_fea.
🛠 Made a copy of Parametric Spider Web by nicholasclewis.

File cabinet replacement bracket


26284 bytes. Updated
817 bytes. Updated

This work is licensed Public Domain.


Time to get organized!

For years I’ve had a pair of metal interlocking file stands in a set of wood drawers for holding files. For almost as many years, the plastic brackets that secure them in place have been broken and useless, letting files flop around at will.

Today, my partner offered a trade: if I fixed the file cabinet, she would do all of the house cleaning. Needless to say: OFFER ACCEPTED. :)

You can tell from the pictures that I’ve got a long way to go as far as quality settings with the PLA 4043D and MK5. The MK5 puts out plastic FAST and the PLA stays hot for quite a while, allowing it to sag. I’m sure I could improve this with some cool settings, a faster feedrate, lower temp, maybe a fan blowing on the work piece, etc. Instead, I padded out the values for the holes and hollow areas with some multipliers in the .scad file and everything works great!


  1. Measure out the clip that you’re replacing.
  2. Update the .scad file (be sure to curse me for the sloppy code) and export STL.
  3. Use Pleasant3D or ReplicatorG to center the object in the STL.
  4. Slice.
  5. Print (x 2).
  6. Screw into place.
  7. File!
Thu Oct 14
🛠 Made a copy of Printable Unicorn Pen Plotter (UPP) by pandelume.
Tue Sep 28
🛠 Made a copy of M8 Fingerwheel by theron.
Sun Sep 19
🛠 Made a copy of LED Strip EZ Clip Revised by Jamesdavid.