BHat (Baltimore Hackathon) Ring


105651 bytes. Updated
1129 bytes. Updated
4112 bytes. Updated
2394 bytes. Updated

This work is licensed Creative Commons - Attribution.


This is a parameterizable ring made in OpenSCAD with a “BHat” logo for the Baltimore Hack-A-Thon.

It was created as part of the Nickel for Scale project, which you can learn more about at


You’ll need both real_bhat_ring.scad and B.dxf to render a custom-sized ring.

To resize the ring without Nickel for Scale:

  1. Edit the inner_diam in OpenSCAD to match the diameter of your finger.
  2. Render to STL with OpenSCAD.
  3. Print!

To resize the ring with Nickel for Scale:

  1. Get Nickel for Scale from GitHub:
  2. Install Processing and all required libraries.
  3. Set up your webcam and configure the NickelForScale sketch with the right capture info.
  4. Run NickelForScale, choose the BHat ring (it’s built in), follow the instructions, and generate the ring.
  5. Your custom ring will be in the NickelForScale/data/ folder.

To change the letter:

I used Inkscape to generate the B. To use it with OpenSCAD, I saved a copy as Encapsulated Postscript (.eps), and chose the option to convert the text to a path. I then used pstoedit to convert the .eps to a .dxf, which is the format that OpenSCAD expects.