Marty McGuire

Posts Tagged thingiverse

Fri Jan 14

Baltimore Node logo (Unicorn)


12655 bytes. Updated
154894 bytes. Updated
124318 bytes. Updated
10868 bytes. Updated

This work is licensed Creative Commons - Attribution.


I felt that it was about time Baltimore Node had a Unicorn-plottable logo! You can learn more about this awesome hackerspace at

I’ve attached all the files I used to create the G-Code for this thing, which tells the story of how you can make your own:

  • node_logo.svg - Start with the SVG logo available from the Node wiki.

  • node_logo.eps - Use Inkscape to export an EPS file, making sure to convert text to paths.

  • node_logo.dxf - Use pstoedit as described on Tony’s 2D-to-3D post - - to create a DXF, with simple line approximations of curves. I also ended up using some scaling:

    pstoedit -xscale 18 -yscale 18 -dt -f dxf:-polyaslines node_logo.eps node_logo.dxf
  • node_logo.gcode - Use from GitHub to convert the DXF into Unicorn G-Code.

I used Pleasant3D for its excellent G-Code preview capabilities to check that everything looked reasonable, find a good scaling, etc.


  1. Load node_logo.gcode up in ReplicatorG
  2. Line up your pen as shown in this image:
  3. Build!

You may need to flip axes, etc.

I also don’t have any of the niceties like pen registration tests or multi-sheet printing in this G-Code. Feel free to add your own!

Sun Jan 9

Sticky Notes - Unicorn Banner Plotting

4225 bytes. Updated
134830 bytes. Updated

This work is licensed Creative Commons - Attribution.


Decorations in a pinch!

Note: This script is designed to work with the MakerBot Unicorn Pen Plotter:

This Python script takes your message and turns it into G-Code which prints one character on each page of a pad of sticky notes. It makes use of mifga’s tricks for pen registration and page-changing.

There are configuration options at the top of the file, so tweak them to make things work best for your bot and your needs.

This is a work in progress. Fork it and make improvements on GitHub!

Ideas for improvements:

  • Fills and/or cross-hatching
  • Deploy this as a web service
  • Clean up the code :)


Generating a Banner

You’ll need Python and Pycairo and its dependencies:

On Ubuntu, this is as easy as:

sudo apt-get install python-cairo-dev

You can then run the script with:

python 'Your Message Here' > out.gcode

Printing Your Banner

  1. Attach a pad of sticky notes to your build platform. Scotch tape is good.
  2. Center the build platform at 0,0, so the pen is over the center of the pad.
  3. Open your G-Code file in ReplicatorG and click “Build”.
  4. Watch the pen as it does its registration test and make sure it touches the center of the pad.
  5. If the pen is too low or too high, or the pad is not centered, now is the time to fix it by hand. Feel free to click “No” and restart the build to redo the registration test.
  6. If the pen is in place, click “Yes” and watch your first letter appear!
  7. When the letter is finished, you will be prompted about retrieving the print.
  8. Remove the build platform and take off the top sticky note.
  9. Replace the build platform and click “Yes”
  10. Repeat steps 4-8 until your message is complete!
Thu Aug 5

Thingiverse Embed Plugin for Wordpress

For a while now, I’ve wanted to embed an RSS feed of the latest stuff I’ve printed from Thingiverse on MakerBot 131’s page. To kick things off, I asked Zach to implement an RSS feed of the Thing’s I’ve Made page on Thingiverse.

It’s been awhile, but I’ve finally gotten around to creating a Wordpress plugin that I’m calling Thingiverse Embed.


The plugin has two features. First, you can embed a little "wallet-sized" view of a Thing into an individual blog post or page, with the Thing's title, creator, image, description, and links back to Thingiverse with a simple shortcode:

[[thingiverse thing_id=“1046”]]


[thingiverse thing_id=“1046”]

The plugin also includes a Thingiverse Stream widget, for embedding streams like “Things I’ve Made” as a simple sidebar widget. It just needs to be configured with the title, the type of stream you want to use, the Thingiverse username (for certain streams), and the maximum number of Things to display.

You can see this example on the page for MakerBot 131.


You can download the latest version of the Thingiverse Embed plugin from the Wordpress Plugins directory:

Or you can download thingiverse-embed-0.1 here.

To install it, unzip the archive, copy the thingiverse-embed directory into your Wordpress install’s plugins directory (usually /wp-content/plugins), and activate the plugin.

You’ll probably want to check out the thingiverse-embed/readme.txt for more information about how to use the plugin.

In addition to the Wordpress Plugins SVN repository, you can also find the code for this plugin in the wp-thingiverse-embed repository on GitHub, for your forking pleasure.

It’s been fun a fun weekend developing this plugin, as it’s my first Wordpress plugin, and the first “serious” PHP I’ve written. Of course, it is filled with nasty HTML parsing and XPath tricks, and could use lots of cleanup, so please give me feedback if you use it!

Thu Jul 22

Space filling with 3D objects using Processing

While I know I should be finishing my MakerBot time-lapse camera series, I took some time for another project to play with some Processing. The above image was rendered in Processing, in real time in just couple of minutes!

Basically, I wanted to take a simple shape, defined by an SVG path, and fill it with images of 3D objects loaded from STL files. Specifically, many wonderful MakerBot-printable objects from Thingiverse!

After some Googling around, I found out that this problem is basically a space-filling problem, similar to an excellent Processing sketch named Scattered Letters by Algirdas Rascius, but with a twist.

The basic algorithm is:

  • Load an SVG and render it to an off-screen buffer
  • Set curr_size, the size that STLs should be rendered, to max_size
  • Choose a random STL model, give it a random orientation, and render it at the current size to an off-screen buffer
  • Try several times to place this model by giving it a random x,y position and checking it for a good fit:
    • Each non-background pixel of the model's off-screen image should fit within the non-background pixels of the SVG's off-screen image.
    • Each non-background pixel of the model's off-screen image should NOT overlap with any non-background pixel of the main display.
  • If a fitting position is found, render the model to the display.
  • Otherwise, shrink curr_size by a step and choose a new model.
  • If we drop below min_size, we should stop.

You can find the code for my sketch, which I call ThingiverseCollage, on GitHub. To make it work, you’ll need to follow the installation instructions in the README to install my (very slightly) modified version of the unlekkerLib for STL loading and rendering. I modified it to allow rendering to a PGraphics object, since it originally only allowed rendering to the main PApplet.

A note on STL files: unlekkerLib only loads STL files in the binary format. It chokes dramatically on ASCII STL files, such as those exported from OpenSCAD. I was able to use Zaggo’s excellent Pleasant3D to load ASCII STLs and re-save them, which converts them to binary STLs. As a bonus, Pleasant3D also allows you to orient objects in a way that will make them look most interesting when they are rendered down to 2D in the final image.

An example M.svg, as well as several objects from Thingiverse are included with the code to get started. To use your own SVGs, I have had good luck using Inkscape to draw or import shapes, and save them as the native “Inkscape SVG” or “Plain SVG” formats. Some files might require hand-tweaking; for example, if the width and height header values are something like “100%" instead of a pixel value.

There is also some simple configuration in the sketch to allow the export of PDF files. This is nice because the resulting PDF has full vector data, making it easily rescaled to any size you wish. Unfortunately, the current PDF renderer for Processing renders each triangle of each STL model as a separate path, generating very complicated vector output, which tends to bring Inkscape to its knees. I have had some luck with importing those files, rastering them out to PNG at a high resolution (e.g. 600 dpi), and using Inkscape’s “Trace Bitmap” functionality to re-vectorize them, though this requires some cleanup by hand.

Anyway, this has been a fun little diversion for me for the last couple of days. I hope that you folks find it useful! Post your awesome pictures in the comments, here!

Sun Jun 13

MakerBot #131 Makes a Mendel!

Image by Matt Mets

Like many MakerBot owners, I feel compelled to help spread desktop 3D printing throughout the world.  So, for the past several months, MakerBot #131 has been hard at work printing parts in 3D to make another 3D printer!

The Mendel is the second (and current) design for the RepRap project, whose goal is to create rapid-prototyping machines that can replicate themselves.  As an Open Source Hardware project, everything about the Mendel’s design is available online via Subversion, from the mechanical parts to the electronics schematics, to the source code for the device and its host machine.  Additionally, there is a fantastic community of very smart people who are constantly improving the design, trying new things, and helping others get their RepRaps working!

While the Mendel requires various hardware bits such as motors, electronics, nuts and bolts, etc., its structure is about 51% 3D-printed parts.  This works out to about 98 individual pieces that need to be printed, and represents a huge number of printing hours.

To get started, I used a .zip file full of the 3D STL files for these parts that someone very nicely prepared and uploaded to the MakerBot Operators group.  These files were from the 1.0 release of Mendel, so some of them ended up being out of date, and a few had issues that made them unprintable.  Thankfully, another kind MakerBot operator uploaded a fully prepared set to Thingiverse, so I could go there for a replacement whenever I found a part that wouldn’t print.

I started printing Mendel parts almost as soon as I got MakerBot #131 working.  Since I knew it was going to be a long process, I created a spreadsheet to help me track and estimate the time it would take to complete the build.  I also used some silly Javascript magic to display a progress bar on my MakerBot #131 page based on this spreadsheet data:

This hack was accomplished by building my own JSONP into some cells of the spreadsheet, and loading this content as Javascript using Google Spreadsheet's plain text export capability.  The spreadsheet cells were set up like this:

Here, column N47 contains the "completeness" of the Mendel as a value of 0.0 - 1.0 in terms of number of hours printed so far divided by the expected number of hours total.  This data could be used on an HTML page with an "update_mendel_progress" function by loading it with a script tag:

<script src=""></script>

The range "B52:E52" are the cells in my spreadsheet containing the JSONP call, and the "output=txt" option returns the data as tab-separated data, which Javascript is happy to parse.  The update_mendel_progress method on that page parses the number that is passed in, looks for an HTML DIV element with an id of "mendel_progress", updates it to be the appropriate width, and displays the percentage completion.

At any rate, after a lot of tweaking, many hair-raising moments, a required upgrade with the MakerBot Heated Build Platform v2.0, and hours and hours of printing, the parts were finally complete!  I gave them to Matt Mets, a member of HackPittsburgh, and you can see the photos he took of the parts, above!

Despite some of the parts belonging to a slightly out-of-date design, Matt has been making progress on getting everything together!

You can follow Matt's progress on his blog.

I'm very happy to have finished off such a large project with MakerBot #131, and I have a lot of plans for it in the future, so be sure to watch this space for more updates!