Marty McGuire

Posts Tagged indieweb

Sun Jul 9

This Week in the IndieWeb Audio Edition β€’ July 1st - 7th, 2023

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It’s time for another IndieWeb blog carnival! Also, Threads, I guess. It’s the audio edition for This Week in the IndieWeb for July 1st - 7th, 2023.

You can find all of my audio editions and subscribe with your favorite podcast app here:

Music from Aaron Parecki’s 100DaysOfMusic project: Day 85 - Suit, Day 48 - Glitch, Day 49 - Floating, Day 9, and Day 11

Thanks to everyone in the IndieWeb chat for their feedback and suggestions. Please drop me a note if there are any changes you’d like to see for this audio edition!

Sat Jul 1

This Week in the IndieWeb Audio Edition β€’ June 24th - 30th, 2023

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Community gardening for pop-ups and Pythons. It’s the audio edition for This Week in the IndieWeb for June 24th - 30th, 2023.

You can find all of my audio editions and subscribe with your favorite podcast app here:

Music from Aaron Parecki’s 100DaysOfMusic project: Day 85 - Suit, Day 48 - Glitch, Day 49 - Floating, Day 9, and Day 11

Thanks to everyone in the IndieWeb chat for their feedback and suggestions. Please drop me a note if there are any changes you’d like to see for this audio edition!

Sat Jun 24

This Week in the IndieWeb Audio Edition β€’ June 17th - 23rd, 2023

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Redditors leaving for Lemmy, and Google Domains is dying. It’s the audio edition for This Week in the IndieWeb for June 17th - 23rd, 2023.

You can find all of my audio editions and subscribe with your favorite podcast app here:

Music from Aaron Parecki’s 100DaysOfMusic project: Day 85 - Suit, Day 48 - Glitch, Day 49 - Floating, Day 9, and Day 11

Thanks to everyone in the IndieWeb chat for their feedback and suggestions. Please drop me a note if there are any changes you’d like to see for this audio edition!

Mon Jun 19

This Week in the IndieWeb Audio Edition β€’ June 10th - 16th, 2023

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Reddit going dark and an IndieWeb blog carnival lights up. It’s the audio edition for This Week in the IndieWeb for June 10th - 16th, 2023.

You can find all of my audio editions and subscribe with your favorite podcast app here:

Music from Aaron Parecki’s 100DaysOfMusic project: Day 85 - Suit, Day 48 - Glitch, Day 49 - Floating, Day 9, and Day 11

Thanks to everyone in the IndieWeb chat for their feedback and suggestions. Please drop me a note if there are any changes you’d like to see for this audio edition!

Sun Jun 11

This Week in the IndieWeb Audio Edition β€’ June 3rd - 9th, 2023

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Asynchronously ailing, and know thy style. It’s the audio edition for This Week in the IndieWeb for June 3rd - 9th, 2023.

You can find all of my audio editions and subscribe with your favorite podcast app here:

Music from Aaron Parecki’s 100DaysOfMusic project: Day 85 - Suit, Day 48 - Glitch, Day 49 - Floating, Day 9, and Day 11

Thanks to everyone in the IndieWeb chat for their feedback and suggestions. Please drop me a note if there are any changes you’d like to see for this audio edition!

Sat Jun 3

This Week in the IndieWeb Audio Edition β€’ May 27th - June 2nd, 2023

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How much does (or should) your personal site reflect what you do elsewhere? It’s the audio edition for This Week in the IndieWeb for May 27th - June 2nd, 2023.

You can find all of my audio editions and subscribe with your favorite podcast app here:

Music from Aaron Parecki’s 100DaysOfMusic project: Day 85 - Suit, Day 48 - Glitch, Day 49 - Floating, Day 9, and Day 11

Thanks to everyone in the IndieWeb chat for their feedback and suggestions. Please drop me a note if there are any changes you’d like to see for this audio edition!

Sat May 27

This Week in the IndieWeb Audio Edition β€’ May 20th - 26th, 2023

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Recapping and remapping social protocols. It’s the audio edition for This Week in the IndieWeb for May 20th - 26th, 2023.

You can find all of my audio editions and subscribe with your favorite podcast app here:

Music from Aaron Parecki’s 100DaysOfMusic project: Day 85 - Suit, Day 48 - Glitch, Day 49 - Floating, Day 9, and Day 11

Thanks to everyone in the IndieWeb chat for their feedback and suggestions. Please drop me a note if there are any changes you’d like to see for this audio edition!

Sat May 20

Rebooting πŸ•ΈοΈπŸ’ an IndieWeb webring

Are you a member of the πŸ•ΈπŸ’ IndieWeb Webring? Today I swapped out the underlying codebase. Don't worry about it!

Nothing to worry about??

Okay, okay, there are some changes that you might notice!

RIP emoji IDs

I wrote about why I think emoji IDs ended up being a bad idea.

This webring is about personal sites and uses IndieAuth for sign-in. So, I decided to lean into the IndieAuth philosophy "End-Users [...] are all represented by URLs". If your entry on the ring is already identified by your site's URL, there's no need for an extra identifier, emoji or not.

You'll notice this change in a couple of ways:

  • You don't need to put your emojis in your previous/next links to the webring. So, a link to🚭/next can just link to , no problem. You can update them directly on your site, or visit your webring dashboard to copy-and-paste them again. But! I'll also more-or-less keep supporting URLs with the old emoji IDs, so feel free not to worry about it.
  • Emoji IDs no longer appear on the webring directory. We don't have them, so there's nothing to show! The rest of your profile info should still appear as before.

RIP webring profile pages

One reason I adopted emoji IDs in the first place was to allow profile pages to exist without having to figure out a scheme for encoding your URLs in the webring's URLs. I still don't want to solve that problem! So, the old profile pages at your emoji ID (e.g.🚭) are just not there anymore.

But to be clear: profiles are not gone! They still exist in the webring directory. You can still update or remove your profile via your dashboard page as before!

A new codebase, eh?

The first version of this webring was slapped together over a weekend. It was a proof-of-concept and, honestly, was intended to be a way to experiment with how IndieWeb building blocks might support and extend the idea of a webring. I used the excellent and their NodeJS-based Express template app as a way of "sketching with code", getting something up and running fast, and working in the open where I could invite others to collaborate.

However, I don't work with that stack on a regular basis! So as time went on, and dependencies inevitably churned, I found it harder and harder to come back and make updates quickly.

I've ported the codebase to PHP because I, without citation, feel like a lot of the functionality I was relying on slowly-drifting libraries for in NodeJS is built directly into PHP or implemented via agreed-upon interfaces that shouldn't change out from under me as I apply the inevitable security updates.

Similarly, the IndieAuth stuff for the NodeJS version was really banged-together (by me) and was now out of date with the specification. I had never been that comfortable with my implementation, and moving to PHP where there is a larger set of well-maintained (by other people) IndieWeb building blocks feels like a stabilizing one.

(I'm also using the webring and other IndieWeb projects I maintain to sharpen the tools and smooth the edges on a lil framework for making IndieWeb web apps, shh, keep it on the down-low.)

You can find the new codebase here:

You can find the old codebase here:

Is that all?

It is not! I am hoping this can be a nice solid base for tackling some long-standing issues and requests for improvements.

Can I ask you a different question or give you feedback?

Of course! Please do! You can reply to this post on your own site or via Twitter, or feel free to drop me a line in the #indieweb chat (I’m `schmarty` there).

This Week in the IndieWeb Audio Edition β€’ May 13th - 19th, 2023

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Meeting new people(’s websites) and who edits the editors? It’s the audio edition for This Week in the IndieWeb for May 13th - 19th, 2023.

You can find all of my audio editions and subscribe with your favorite podcast app here:

Music from Aaron Parecki’s 100DaysOfMusic project: Day 85 - Suit, Day 48 - Glitch, Day 49 - Floating, Day 9, and Day 11

Thanks to everyone in the IndieWeb chat for their feedback and suggestions. Please drop me a note if there are any changes you’d like to see for this audio edition!

Tue May 16

Tiny notes as I work on migrating my IndieWeb webring πŸ•ΈοΈπŸ’ to a new tech stack.

Downloading the database from the project’s .data folder was easier than I thought.

I’m also working with a slightly different schema to drop the unmaintainable emoji slugs, so learning the sqlite3 syntax for selectively dumping columns was very helpful!

Still a few rough edges to knock off, mostly around making sure I can successfully fetch folks’ pages and find the webring links on them, but it’s close!