🔖 Bookmarked https://sebastiangreger.net/2018/05/self-hosting-maps-control-privacy-ux/

“the design driver for this exercise was to create a solution that allows to embed an (interactive) map where the browser only contacts a third party after informing the user beforehand or – even better – not at all.”

Wonderful post by Sebastian Greger, and right up my alley. I look forward to trying this out with the checkin posts on my site!


Marty McGuire Marty McGuire at said:

Well, it's a rainy day and a good day for someday projects. Also, oops, here's a post about a tiny site update that accidentally sprawled into a post about 6 (or 14) years of my relationships with Foursquare and the whole idea of sharing "check in"s (not 🐔s). Oh no it's backstory time In 2009 I was living in Pittsburgh, working as a research programmer at Carnegie Mellon, a proud member of the newly formed HackPGH hacker space, starting down the slippery slope of joining the 3D printing …