β Been working on some content based on personal notes, which he takes all the time, about things like stuff he's read, etc. Thought about turning ~5 of his notes at a time into monthly lists, but has been writing a lot. Might be more like each note becomes a paragraph-long post. He also manages a newsletter that usually covers one topic, but might automate these new "listy" posts into a collection for the newsletter. β Been working on a longer content post, part two of a series that started in March about creativity and code and his personal learning journey. Wants to keep up with post-a-week challenge. Started capturing ideas because he tends to forget topics if he doesn't get started on them. Doesn't want to have long spans of time between posts, so needs a system to keep track of posting as he gets too busy to take big chunks of time. β Been working on cleaning up cruft in his site implementation, not a lot of publicly visible stuff. Also been thinking a lot about things that stop him from posting, like not being able to easily syndicate posts while on mobile, and thinking of plans to make it easier. Tonight worked on the first part of supporting micropub edits for his site by working on source queries.
We also had a good discussion about how folks track their projects, keep ongoing notes, nudge themselves to make progress, and more. We talked about tools like Google Calendar and Tasks,, "GTD", and more that I forgot to write down.
Left-to-right:, mysterious air plant,,
We hope that you'll join us for the next HWC Baltimore on May 10th back here at the Digital Harbor Foundation Tech Center! It's an "Off-Week" for the usual HWC schedule. After that we're back on track with another "On-Week" HWC on May 31st!
Tonight! 6:30-8:30pm at Digital Harbor Foundation Tech Center, join us for Homebrew Website Club Baltimore. Work on your website and share knowledge with folks who are doing the same!
The seventh annual gathering for independent web creators of all kinds, from graphic artists, to designers, UX engineers, coders, hackers, to share ideas, actively work on creating for their own personal websites, and build upon each others creations.
I'm going!
IndieWeb Summit in Portland, OR Jun 24-25th!
Looking forward to meeting some lovely IndieWeb folks! has been busy since the last meeting. Added tags and displaying webmentions to his site. Launched Screech, a micropub client for posting audio. Uses it to post an audio edition of the This Week in the IndieWeb as a podcast. Started looking into better reply contexts for sites with no microformats2 info, maybe starting with Soundcloud (which requires using their API to convert permalinks into embeds) or using Aaron Parecki's X-Ray. missed the last meeting, so it's been a while. Working on a new site at, set up his WordPress network to include IndieWeb plugins, including things like accepting Webmentions. Some small updates to Committing to more (of everything) for next time. started blogging again back in February. Dusted off Jekyll and started delving back into IndieWeb. Reads a lot of books and wanted to have that info on his site from Goodreads. Uses a Node.js script to dump Goodreads data into Jekyll _data/ folder. Added microformats to pages. Posts project 365 photos to site, a little bit of a burden since everything is still manual. Current project is micropub. Plan is to set up a Node.js "controller" because he wants to do more responses and interactive things. Today added "On This Day", showing posts from the same day in previous years was in the other half of the room working on laser-cutting projects, but did talk informally about wanting to add e-commerce to her site.
We discussed the shutdown of, the upcoming, the challenges of building everything yourself, and some of the laser-cutting projects that our host Mary was working on for an event next weekend.