Trying out a new location for HWC NYC! Come work on your personal website and post silly things on the web together!
Trying out a new location for HWC NYC! Come work on your personal website and post silly things on the web together!
New York City's first Homebrew Website Club of 2019 met at Aroma Espresso Bar on February 6th.
Here are some notes from the "broadcast" portion of the meetup. — Was working on a Grav skeleton... thinking of throwing it out. Had a client site that received some praise, though! Spent some time this evening looking at flights to Germany — Was working on fixing Quill's URL resolution for IndieAuth login (e.g. so you can login with a shortdomain like and have it resolve to Got distracted by Marty showing an iOS Shortcut that works like Teacup to post ate/drank posts via Micropub. Made an iOS shortcut to allow him to upload videos to his site. — Spent quiet hour porting some old notes out of Evernote-like browser-based app Laverna into his personal notes site. Just housekeepin'. Current personal site project is probably getting event hosting up for his upcoming improv and livestreaming shows. — Wrote a post saying something is ready to test. Current project for his site: everything. Took a break for a few days and doesn't know what is next.
Other discussions:
Thanks to everyone who came out! We look forward to seeing you at our next meetup on Wednesday, February 20th at 6:30pm!
Missed the last one due to a gnarly cold. Excited for my first HWC NYC!
Reportedly we will have special guest aaronpk!
Looking forward to my first Homebrew Website Club since moving to NYC!
So excited for IWC NYC this weekend!
Excited for another IWC NYC. This one looks to be big! Join us Sept 28-29 in NYC!