Marty McGuire

Marty's Photos

Excited that I can now more easily post events to my own website from #indieweb …

Enjoying the Baltimore Book Festival with Amy and Kim. Taking a rest next to Seuss’s Monster. …

It’s the first meeting of Homebrew Website Club Baltimore!

Quiet writing hour starts now. Come …

Camp Karaoke Night! #CIUEast #TakeOnMe

Kicking off Tiny Camp Festival 2016! #CIUEast #TCF2016

Group photo time! #CIUEast

Early arrivals to the Sunday morning warmups. #CIUEast

Sunday morning breakfast crew. #CIUEast

Sunday morning lake views. #CIUEast

High intensity Fractured Fairy Tale during Jam City! #CIUEast #JAMCITY #JAMCITAAAAAY

Afternoon board games. #CIUEast

Saturday Arts n Crafts folks at Camp Improv Utopia East. #CIUEast

Maya and Me on our way to Camp Improv Utopia East 2016! Thanks for the lift! #CIUEast #roadtrip

Chillin with Hunter not watching the VMAs.

A nice 360 photo of the nice folks in the Content session on day one of IndieWebCamp NYC2

Happy IndieWebCamp NYC day 1! Bonding over beers at Top Hops Beer Shop.

Attending IndieWebCamp NYC2

Having a sushi on a Thursday.

Having a nice dinner at Joe Benny with Matt.

Test post from mobile with my computing buddy.

It’s always important to wash your skull after a show.

Nitro Hop Devil

Automatic closet light made with @adafruit Trinket, PIR sensor, and PowerSwitch Tail II.


I’ve got an old white macbook and a newish retina macbook pro. Typically these …

Stupid magnet tricks.

Finally got this project fixed. Board was fine. Tape was fine. Wire insulation not fine.

it. it is Vatred. #dragonconprep with Loren Norman and cara russo

Blinkin’ arts at the Nat’l Portrait Gallery

Let’s baseball! Why not?

Getting our pachink on.