HWC Baltimore 9/21 Wrap-Up
Baltimore's first Homebrew Website Club met up at the Digital Harbor Foundation Tech Center on 9/21/2016. We had a nice quiet writing hour followed by some quick introductions (since we already knew one another) and lots of chatting about projects, first steps, and indieweb in general.
Notes from the "broadcast" portion of the meetup:
Marty McGuire (co-organizer)
- Starting up HWC Baltimore
- Made style changes to improve contrast for reading
Jonathan Prozzi (co-organizer)
- Got Jekyll working with GitHub Pages
- Now also able to run and compile locally
- Now working on getting personal domain and hosting
Shawn Grimes (Executive Director of DHF)
- Working on a tool called FabHive that manages multiple 3D printers on a network.
- Making progress on a feature to expose underlying Octoprint UI for individual printers.
It wouldn't be an HWC without a photo, so here is our selfie!

We had a great chat and look forward to more progress on projects, more good discussion, and more interested folks at the next one. We hope you'll join us next month on 10/19!