A weekend?? Oh, that’s tomorrow. Happy eternal Caturday.
A weekend?? Oh, that’s tomorrow. Happy eternal Caturday.
We practice our distancing dance during eternal Caturday.
So many folks pushing to “open everything back up” but eternal Caturday is eternal.
You’ve got to get it get it get it during eternal Caturday!
It takes more strength and speed to get what we need during eternal Caturday.
Good morning! Hope you enjoy a lazy Sunday in accordance with eternal Caturday rules.
The weekend is in reach, but you must get up and get it during eternal Caturday.
Gotta get down on eternal Caturday! (How is Rebecca Black handling quarantine??)
Sometimes it feels like we spend most of our time watching and waiting during eternal Caturday.
Hump Day more like Lump Day amirite? Eternal Caturday rolls on.