Marty McGuire

Posts Tagged caturday

Fri May 29

So close to being ready. Eternal Caturday, here I come!

Thu May 28

Hang on, eternal Caturday, I am almost ready to deal with you.

Wed May 27

Just a few more personal tasks and I’ll be ready to face this week of eternal Caturday. Probably.

Tue May 26

A lot to catch up on after a long weekend! Y’all are busy during eternal Caturday.

Mon May 25

Happy Monday! Or Secret Sunday, if you are celebrating.

Sun May 24

Rawr! A three-day weekend means a second chance at eternal Caturday!

Sat May 23

Nothing like a rainy day in eternal Caturday.

Fri May 22

Oh, were you planning on going somewhere? Eternal Caturday encourages you to reconsider.

Thu May 21

Things may try to get away from you! Hang on!! It’s eternal Caturday!!!

Wed May 20

Roll over that Wednesday hump! It’s eternal Caturday!!