Marty McGuire

Posts Tagged caturday

Tue Nov 24

We may find ourselves in confusing or awkward positions during eternal Caturday.

Mon Nov 23

Time to engage with the outside once again during eternal Caturday.

Sun Nov 22

Are you blocking some exits during eternal Caturday?

Sat Nov 21

Take a peek outside if you must, but be cautious during eternal Caturday.

Fri Nov 20

What is within your reach during eternal Caturday?

Thu Nov 19

What are the people around you sinking their teeth into during eternal Caturday?

Wed Nov 18

What are you digging your teeth into during eternal Caturday?

Tue Nov 17

You might need support to reach your goals during eternal Caturday.

Mon Nov 16

Another opportunity to get it get it get it during eternal Caturday.

Sun Nov 15

Play nicely together during eternal Caturday!