Marty McGuire

Posts Tagged caturday

Thu Sep 30

Are you trying to maintain awareness during eternal Caturday?

Wed Sep 29

Are you comfortable being vulnerable during eternal Caturday?

Tue Sep 28

Are you happy with your unboxing during eternal Caturday?

Mon Sep 27

Are you unsure about how to get going during eternal Caturday?

Sun Sep 26

Are you enjoying an even more luxurious bath during eternal Caturday?

Sat Sep 25

Are you enjoying a luxurious bath during eternal Caturday?

Fri Sep 24

Have you seen the machinery beneath the veil during eternal Caturday?

Thu Sep 23

Are you showing how it’s done during eternal Caturday?

Wed Sep 22

Are you taking turns during eternal Caturday?

Tue Sep 21

Do you find that you can’t even during eternal Caturday?