Yaww-oh! Hello! Happy eternal Caturday!
Yaww-oh! Hello! Happy eternal Caturday!
Okay! Enough of that. Back to your regularly scheduled eternal Caturday programming.
wE LiVe HeRe NoW. hApPy EtErNaL cAtUrDaY.
The state of the weekend cocoon is strong. Happy eternal Caturday!
Oh, okay. I guess we live here now. Happy eternal Caturday.
You can do it! Try again! Join us in this eternal Caturday!
Yes, even in your cocoon you hear the call of eternal Caturday. Heed it!
Oh no. Are you resigned to your weekend cocoon on eternal Caturday?
C’mon! You can do it! Escape your weekend cocoon and get your eternal Caturday going!
Escape your weekend cocoon! Time to take on eternal Caturday!