Marty McGuire

Marty's Photos

Breakfast deliciousness


Photo for tonight’s HWC Baltimore

Photo for tonight’s HWC Baltimore!

All of Hostel in one place?? Time for a troupe photo! Also, what a fun set we did!

Pre-show hang with Hostel! Come see us tonight at 9pm! Tickets only $5 at

Some photos of a rad lobby installation in NYC with parts designed and fabbed by @blinkinlabs.

So many grits 😍
Lemongrass tofu on everything plz
Brunch with vegetables
Tea and reading time
Typewriter themed cocktails?
Café et Beignet

Celebrating Roman draft-dodge-enabler St. Valentine with some heart shaped sushi at Sticky Rice!

Photo for tonight’s HWC Baltimore

Saturday cartoons. Those toitles better stick together.

Photo for tonight’s HWC Baltimore

Love my local bike share. Finding my account a little hard to navigate…

Good morning! Looking forward to seeing folks at IndieWebCamp Baltimore today!

Time for a day trip!