Marty McGuire

Marty's Photos

To the airports

Horse’s Neck

Dark & Stormy

A11y Club Conf lunch break β€” with aaronpk, Tiara, Calum
Looking forward to learning about some web accessibility practices and problems today at ! …

After much searching we found the monster bar garden β€” with Tiara, aaronpk

Sitting in the dark!
SXF 🚈 downtown Berlin
BWI ✈️ KEF. On my way to IndieWebCamp Berlin!
Most of Dublin is very Halloween but here it’s Xtreme XMas
Cathedrals and crypts
So many good Halloween decorations
Late lunch and coffee
First brave the cliffs, then eat cake.
Thai tofu time
Late lunch
Let’s cross Ireland by train!
Good name. Weird beers. πŸ‘πŸ»