Happy Monday! Or Secret Sunday, if you are celebrating.
The classic is back! Still one of my favorite prints.
Rawr! A three-day weekend means a second chance at eternal Caturday!
Nothing like a rainy day in eternal Caturday.
Oh, were you planning on going somewhere? Eternal Caturday encourages you to reconsider.
Things may try to get away from you! Hang on!! It’s eternal Caturday!!!
Roll over that Wednesday hump! It’s eternal Caturday!!
Get that grind! It’s eternal Caturday!!!
Oh hello we are still having Mondays I guess! Happy eternal Caturday!
Wow so many people outside with the warm weather but remember your masks this eternal Caturday.
What?? The week is over?? Eternal Caturday you’ve done it again.
Mmmaaaybe just a few more minutes rest. Eternal Caturday can wait, right?
Okay! Okay. I am gonna get up. Eternal Caturday isn’t gonna happen on its own.
An unexpected memento mori.
Just a few more minutes rest and I swear we can do this eternal Caturday.
Definitely getting up to face this eternal Caturday.
We may be cozy today but eternal Caturday won’t wait.
Watching the world go by on a lazy eternal Caturday.
We feign comfort on a restless eternal Caturday.
A weekend?? Oh, that’s tomorrow. Happy eternal Caturday.
We practice our distancing dance during eternal Caturday.
So many folks pushing to “open everything back up” but eternal Caturday is eternal.
You’ve got to get it get it get it during eternal Caturday!
It takes more strength and speed to get what we need during eternal Caturday.
We are taking Animal Crossing pretty seriously here. Please enjoy this daily checklist that Amy made …
Good morning! Hope you enjoy a lazy Sunday in accordance with eternal Caturday rules.
The weekend is in reach, but you must get up and get it during eternal Caturday.
Gotta get down on eternal Caturday! (How is Rebecca Black handling quarantine??)
Sometimes it feels like we spend most of our time watching and waiting during eternal Caturday.
Hump Day more like Lump Day amirite? Eternal Caturday rolls on.