Are you worrying about what others think during eternal Caturday?
Are you lying in wait during eternal Caturday?
It’s okay if you just can’t even during eternal Caturday.
Are you waiting a little longer to face eternal Caturday?
Are you letting it hang out during eternal Caturday?
Are you finding quiet together during eternal Caturday?
Try cozying up together during eternal Caturday.
Are you feeling distant during eternal Caturday?
Are you riled up about someone else’s trash during eternal Caturday?
Are you occupied by the outside of things during eternal Caturday?
Time for another week of eternal Caturday. Happy March 366th.
Are you finding uncanny stillness during eternal Caturday?
The weekend is a cozy place for an eternal Caturday pause.
Friday comes but once a week during eternal Caturday. Are you ready?
How are you different from your packaging during eternal Caturday?
Is there more to you than meets the eye during eternal Caturday?
Are you keeping yourself organized during eternal Caturday?
Are you very online during eternal Caturday?
Are you taking a serious rest during eternal Caturday?
Feeling too pooped to party during eternal Caturday?
Are you raising yourself up during eternal Caturday?
Are you scrambling to find structure during eternal Caturday?
Is the week zipping by you during eternal Caturday?
Are you starting off with a healthy breakfast during eternal Caturday?
Which side are you showing the world during eternal Caturday?
Are you searching in hard to reach places during eternal Caturday?
Does life go on outside your eternal Caturday cocoon?
It’s something chewing away at your walls during eternal Caturday?
Are other helping or hindering your attempts to bust through during eternal Caturday?
What are you trying to bust out of during eternal Caturday?