My notes from HWC West Coast 2020-07-08

Yesterday I joined in the West Coast Homebrew Website Club via Zoom. I was worried I'd be too tired to join - it was held 9-10:30pm my time - but after a nice dinner and wind-down from the day I was in a pretty good place.

Jacky shared some demos, reading, and brainstorming (go check 'em out). And, as captured in Tantek's notes, we also got into some good discussion about community onboarding prompted by Sarah.

A recurring theme as new folks join the IndieWeb community is that the wiki is an amazing resource but also a source of crippling information overload. In recent years we have discussed ways to (re-)organize content for folks geting their own site started. On his own, Jason has begun writing guided intros for developers on topics like Webmention. But as Sarah pointed out, IndieWeb is much more than just developer documentation or guides for folks setting up their own websites. IndieWeb is also an active community with frequent live events, 24/7 discussions, and a long-term memory of observations and ideas and projects and participants. So, perhaps it's worth thinking about onboarding from a perspective of introducing new folks to this community, what they can expect, and how to successfully engage.

For my part, I continued research into the cursed project that I've been noodling on for years and finally started during IndieWebCamp 2020 West. My goal is to give folks a free way to dip their toes into the IndieWeb without needing to understand the building blocks first, but with on-ramps to understanding, customizing, and improving any part of it. While I am learning a lot from projects like Postr, I think I will end up actually making my own version of building blocks like authorization, token, and micropub endpoints. By way of being careful, I would like to be able to test that each one works properly. So that's how I ended up volunteering to help build out the test suite. 😅

I really enjoy and appreciate these meetups and I look forward to joining the next one!
