↩ Replied to https://dndsvu.rpg.academy/episodes/cs04p1/
post from CS04P1 – Abrakatraz Stories, part 1
In part 1 of this episode, we follow the escapades of three nefarious villains as they attempt to escape the magical prison: Abrakatraz.

I am suuuuper excited that this story is hitting the Lawful & Orderly podcast!

I was afraid that recording issues meant it was lost, but it’s one of my faves for sure.


Marty McGuire Marty McGuire at said:

Baltimore's first Homebrew Website Club of February met at the Digital Harbor Foundation Tech Center on February 6th. Here are some notes from the "broadcast" portion of the meetup: jonathanprozzi.net – Productive 2 weeks! Has a personal notes site running on Hugo on a subdomain after some adventures with git publishing hooks and a bug with themes that was causing it to render only as XML. Set up a separate site with Hugo and Reveal.JS and might be interested in that for IndieWeb-related …

Marty McGuire Marty McGuire at said:

Baltimore's first Homebrew Website Club of February met at the Digital Harbor Foundation Tech Center on February 6th. Here are some notes from the "broadcast" portion of the meetup: jonathanprozzi.net – Productive 2 weeks! Has a personal notes site running on Hugo on a subdomain after some adventures with git publishing hooks and a bug with themes that was causing it to render only as XML. Set up a separate site with Hugo and Reveal.JS and might be interested in that for IndieWeb-related …