I am suuuuper excited that this story is hitting the Lawful & Orderly podcast!
I was afraid that recording issues meant it was lost, but it’s one of my faves for sure.
Marty McGuire
Baltimore's first Homebrew Website Club of February met at the Digital Harbor Foundation Tech Center on February 6th. Here are some notes from the "broadcast" portion of the meetup: jonathanprozzi.net – Productive 2 weeks! Has a personal notes site running on Hugo on a subdomain after some adventures with git publishing hooks and a bug with themes that was causing it to render only as XML. Set up a separate site with Hugo and Reveal.JS and might be interested in that for IndieWeb-related …
Baltimore's first Homebrew Website Club of February met at the Digital Harbor Foundation Tech Center on February 6th. Here are some notes from the "broadcast" portion of the meetup: jonathanprozzi.net – Productive 2 weeks! Has a personal notes site running on Hugo on a subdomain after some adventures with git publishing hooks and a bug with themes that was causing it to render only as XML. Set up a separate site with Hugo and Reveal.JS and might be interested in that for IndieWeb-related …