Marty McGuire

Posts Tagged thing-a-day-2011

Fri Feb 18

Thing-a-Day #18 - Tweaking the Stepstruder MK6 on a Cupcake CNC

This post used to be on Posterous. I rescued my posts before Posterous shut down and am now sharing them here.

Today I spent some time configuring my MakerBot to work well with the new (awesome!) stepper based plastruder from MakerBot.

The pieces shown here are from the Cube Gears on Thingiverse:

Thu Feb 17

Thing-a-Day 2011 #17 - Simple line-wrapping for Hershey JS demo

This post used to be on Posterous. I rescued my posts before Posterous shut down and am now sharing them here.

I've decided to slowly expand this drawing-stuff-in-the-browser demo, and added some simple line-wrapping to the code on my demo page:

Word wrapping is an interesting topic, and I hope to get this cleaned up a bit with features like breaking up words if they are too long, improving the algorithm to make nicer "squared" paragraphs, etc.

Wed Feb 16

Thing-a-Day 2011 #16 - Live demo of Hershey Fonts in Javascript

This post used to be on Posterous. I rescued my posts before Posterous shut down and am now sharing them here.

I made this demo a while ago to test out my ability to render Hershey text with JavaScript, but it is kind of a fun toy, so today I put it online for you folks to play with.

It's a simple HTML and JS page powered by jQuery (for awesomeness) and Raphael,js (for SVG drawing). As always Hershey fonts are interesting.

You can find the demo here:

Tue Feb 15

Thing-a-Day 2011 #15 - How-To docs for Inkscape Unicorn extension

This post used to be on Posterous. I rescued my posts before Posterous shut down and am now sharing them here.

It's about time this stuff was documented for other people to use easily!

So, I made this page on the MakerBot wiki:

Mon Feb 14

Thing-a-Day 2011 #14 - Sticky Note Tweet template for Unicorn

This post used to be on Posterous. I rescued my posts before Posterous shut down and am now sharing them here.

I've been toying with the idea of cool automatically generated plots for the Unicorn pen plotter. This one is an experiment in laying out a tweet for plotting on a sticky note.

It should be possible, layer, to use this as a template for creating new plots! Could be kind of fun.

Feel free to grab the file on Thingiverse.

Sun Feb 13

Thing-a-Day 2011 #13 - Cardboard spool for MakerBot plastic

This post used to be on Posterous. I rescued my posts before Posterous shut down and am now sharing them here.

Inspired by Charles Pax’s design, but painstakingly faked with a ruler, pencil, string, and scissors. I also picked up a lazy susan for it to ride on, so I just need to get a plastic drawer to mount it all to.

Sat Feb 12

Thing-a-Day 2011 #12 - Blackout dinner

This post used to be on Posterous. I rescued my posts before Posterous shut down and am now sharing them here.

This is a bit silly, but sometimes thing-a-days can be silly, right?

The power in our apartment building went out while I was making dinner. The rice managed to mostly finish, so I decided I'd heat up this pouch of kidney bean curry over a candle. The aluminum pouch spreads the heat nicely, I just need to pick it up and squish the contents around every couple of minutes to make sure everything is heated evenly.

Fri Feb 11

Thing-a-Day 2011 #11 - *sta (a.k.a. "Starsta")

This post used to be on Posterous. I rescued my posts before Posterous shut down and am now sharing them here.

Thingiverse has recently caught mashup fever, and our current LOLcat/exploitable seems to be this awesome Gangsta by yzorg.

When I saw Allan's "*sta" post on the Thingiverse blog, I got the mash-up bug and had to make this:

Want to make your own *sta? Just grab the model from Thingiverse.
Thu Feb 10

Thing-a-Day 2011 #10 - A lot more Baltimore Node ping-pong balls

This post used to be on Posterous. I rescued my posts before Posterous shut down and am now sharing them here.

Because... it's fun!

I took my EggBot to the Baltimore Node this evening and plotted out a bunch of ping pong balls with our logo in 2-colors.

EggBotting is kind of zen.

Wed Feb 9

Thing-a-Day 2011 #9 - Plots of the 2-color Baltimore Node logo!

This post used to be on Posterous. I rescued my posts before Posterous shut down and am now sharing them here.

I made this version of the Baltimore Node logo the other day in Inkscape, but wasn't at home to test it. Here are the resulting plots on both EggBot and Unicorn!

The Unicorn version came out a little messed up due to my sizing the file wrong - the pen went off the edge of my sticky note pad and mussed everything up. I resized the plot to fit the sticky note fine, but had some pen registration issues with the now-crumpled sticky note pad. I'll probably try this again later with some nicer stock.

New files and more detailed description over on Thingiverse.
