Marty McGuire

Posts Tagged gender

Tue Aug 25
🔖 Bookmarked Academic Achievement isn’t the Reason There are More Men than Women Majoring in Physics, Engineering and Computer Science

“This new evidence, combined with emerging literature on male-favoring cultures that deter women in PECS, suggests that efforts to dismantle barriers to women in these fields would raise overall quality of students”

Thu Apr 4
🔖 Bookmarked Usage Guidelines — The Gender Spectrum Collection

“The Gender Spectrum Collection is a stock photo library featuring images of trans and non-binary models that go beyond the clichés of putting on makeup and holding trans flags. This collection aims to help media outlets better represent members of these communities as people not necessarily defined by their gender identities—people with careers, relationships, talents, passions, and home lives.”

Sun May 6
🔖 Bookmarked Invisible Labor and Digital Utopias

“the problems we face with digital labor and digital utopias are not necessarily simply about the digital but rather about systems and structures that have long been in place”

Wed Mar 8

This International Women’s Day, remember that men have already failed and we have to do better.