Marty McGuire

Posts Tagged caturday

Fri Dec 4

Different folks have different energy levels during eternal Caturday.

Thu Dec 3

Contemplate the mysteries in your everyday life during eternal Caturday.

Wed Dec 2

Who is waiting on who during eternal Caturday?

Tue Dec 1

Getting used to sharing space during eternal Caturday.

Mon Nov 30

Get cleaned up and ready for another week of eternal Caturday!

Sun Nov 29

Time for a reluctant snuggle with a fidgety one during eternal Caturday.

Sat Nov 28

Time for a cozy snuggle with a loved one during eternal Caturday.

Fri Nov 27

Trying to sneak in an extra work day during this long eternal Caturday weekend?

Thu Nov 26

Thankful to be able to rest during eternal Caturday.

Wed Nov 25

A rough day might require some pampering during eternal Caturday.