Marty McGuire

Posts Tagged caturday

Wed Sep 16

Yeah it’s eternal Caturday but sometimes we are just so tired.

Tue Sep 15

Shake off the sleepies, it’s eternal Caturday!

Mon Sep 14

Emerge from your hidey-hole. It’s eternal Caturday!

Sun Sep 13

Rest up! There is more eternal Caturday on the way.

Sat Sep 12

Eternal Caturday means time to play!

Fri Sep 11

What shapes are you making during eternal Caturday?

Thu Sep 10

We struggle to get a grip during eternal Caturday.

Wed Sep 9

Still keepin’ it clean on eternal Caturday.

Tue Sep 8

Resting remains a good activity during eternal Caturday.

Mon Sep 7

Wishing you a day of reflection during eternal Caturday.