Marty McGuire

Posts Tagged caturday

Fri Oct 16

So, uh, got any weekend plans during eternal Caturday?

Thu Oct 15

Sometimes you have to go in and get it during eternal Caturday.

Wed Oct 14

It’s nice to find a moment of stillness together during eternal Caturday.

Tue Oct 13

Get up and go! It’s eternal Caturday.

Mon Oct 12

Grab hold of a new week. It’s eternal Caturday!

Sun Oct 11

It’s a good time to play games with friends during eternal Caturday.

Sat Oct 10

We maintain our medical routines during eternal Caturday.

Fri Oct 9

May you find comfort and rest in times of great change, like eternal Caturday.

Thu Oct 8

We try to keep up with the youth during eternal Caturday.

Wed Oct 7

A challenger prepares to take on eternal Caturday.