HWC Baltimore 10/19 Wrap-Up

Baltimore's second Homebrew Website Club meet up happened at the Digital Harbor Foundation Tech Center on 10/19/2016. We had a nice quiet writing hour followed by some quick introductions, lots of progress on projects, and some new attendees!

Notes from the "broadcast" portion of the meetup:

Marty McGuire (co-organizer) - Wants an easy way to post events his own site, first, rather than Facebook. Wants to support Event posts from Quill to his custom micropub endpoint, but endpoint doesn't support JSON (yet). Working on that.

Jonathan Prozzi - has a start of a Jekyll website but moving to Hugo. Got a DigitalOcean droplet up and Hugo running on it.

Nate Parsons  - Domain was a gift from his mom 12 years ago and finally getting something set up there! Taking things out of FB would be nice. Today signed up for DigitalOcean, set up DNS, got Nginx welcome page working, and Lets Encrypt for HTTPS.

Brian Young - Wordpress site for podcast/blog. Today worked on a new post! Also has an e-commerce site funlooksfun.com. Eventually brianey.com will have links out to everything. "It'll be my Alphabet." "I have too many projects."

Amy Hurst - Today working on a conference website, doing graphic design for a logo. Mocking the logo up in a template with real content.

Here's the customary HWC group selfie:

Left-to-Right: Brian, Nate, Jonathan, Marty, Amy

We had a great discussion and were all grateful for the dedicated time to working on our sites.

We hope you'll join us for our next HWC Baltimore on 11/30!