↩ Replied to https://v2.jacky.wtf/post/b11f79f8-eab6-4d81-b275-8fe796ba4217
post from
I’m thinking about “instant feedback” for my social reader. I’ve already considered some things like immediately showing a post in a channel once it’s been submitted but realistically that occurs when:a post is successfully published to its WebSub hub

I think I can expand the ????? a little bit:

  • Your microsub server is subscribed to that channel’s feed via WebSub, so it updates entries for the feed
  • Your microsub server notifies your social reader that there is a new post

To be honest, both of those bullets are kind of ??? themselves, as I don’t think any microsub server implementation has added WebSub. There’s an open issue for this for Aperture, for example.

Additionally, the Microsub spec doesn’t actually specify any streaming or real-time updates. There is an open issue for discussion this, though!

You’ve added to the discussion there with some fun extension ideas for EventSource and/or WebSockets, which sounds like a good approach to me!


swentel swentel at said:

The Drupal microsub server supports WebSub. It tries to subscribe, and falls back to just polling if there's no hub. Works great, especially with Eternal caturday at the moment, I can instantly enjoy :)

Malcolm Blaney Malcolm Blaney at said:

Dobrado supports Microsub & WebSub too :-)